Hee Hee.
Do you know what day today is?
It's called “冬至”.
It's kinda warm, Don't you agree?
So,we're having celebrations!
Grans is coming to my house to show her fantastic skills in cooking,that's why I named this article as "YUMMY YUMMY". There'll be A LOT of delicious food today, Prawns, Fishes, Clams, Soup, Chicken, Meat, Haha, and of course!-------Vegetables!!! That's what I love the most among all of these.Heeheehee. And,A.G.A.I.N,we're having BBQ today too. ER-HEM, actually it's not me, it's my bro, with his friends, almost 15 people.OMG, they are making troubles actually,Ummmm, Sounds like I'm unfriendly,huh? Don't blame me, it's because, they ARE.Troublesome.It's good that my bro is going to Singapore next year, work's matters, hope he'll find a suitable and good job, and hope he can overcome all the circumstances, and be strong, and will not give up easily.It's his own life, own future, I can't do anything but encouragements.That's what I can do, and some comments too.Hmm....Wish can countdown for new year at Danga Bay with my friends, actually I wish to countdown during Christmas eve, but seems like no one can come out, I postponed it to new year eve. Pitiful.Haha.HEY MY FRIENDS, DON'T IGNORE THE COUNTDOWN, I MEAN IT!!! okayyyyyyy???????? Miss you lotssaaa, dear sis. Wanna hang out with you larrrrrr. And you too, Ms. Leen.So busy nowadays huh? BTBT,mmet me k? Lalala:D Grans started to cook already.So,I've things to do. Will upload some photos ( Tasty food ) later, come again!!!
Blessed Be, susu Chow ❤
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