Ms. Music.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Hey there, Mr. Grey.

What is the color(s) that you can see in this picture?

Well, I saw blue, black, white, yellow, green...Yepp, I saw what you see now, when I was standing in front of it and decided to snap a photo of it.

If these are the colors that you see as well, I feel glad for you. Keep moving on with these colors in your life, keep the positivity, keep all the valuable perspectives that you own in your life. Keep remaining as who you are (:

If all you can see is the color Grey, hey there, don't be afraid, there are lots of people who see the same as you, there are lots of us there, being in the same world as you. Appreciate that you are still able to tell yourself that's Grey, cherish your uniqueness of being able to differentiate your distinctiveness. You aren't weird but special. Grey - a color that's slightly shallower than the main color of the world, black, is what we needa accept and embrace.

So hey, whenever you feel that you needa face the music, whenever you realize that you can no longer visualize the colorful world in its wonderfully beautiful form, let's see it without red, blue and yellow light waves, let's just see it in its simplest form. Yes, just the simplest form. You know why? It's because I believe that when you are able to accept and adapt yourself to its simplest form, you'll get to see its beauty in black and white, and you will eventually start to enjoy the beauty and you will tell yourself, 

"Let's be brave to face the world in its simplest form,
let's accept it,
let's try to understand it,
let's be friend with it,
let's negotiate with it,
let's embrace it,
let's smile at it,
let's be close to it,
let's try to ask for more,
let's try to get to know its friend - blue,
let's try to know its friend - red,
let's try to know its friend - yellow,
let's...let's try to step out...
and hang out with all of them.

I believe that it is the process and the emotions that will kill time,
It's time that will be killed,
not the process nor the emotions,
not you.

Believe it or not,
we needa let ourselves admit that,
Mr. Grey isn't scary.
I know who Mr. Grey is,
and so do you.

Well, he might be a friend of yours yet living in your subconscious,
but I allow him to stay in my conscious world,
so that I will be able to communicate with him,
whenever there's a need for a talk.

Blessed be, my fellows.

P.S. Another master piece of mine (the photo) ~ 

嘿...我突然突然...最近就有了一個荒謬兼破天荒的想法了。我就在想啊...我可不可以在未來的未來,辦一場以 "Shusense" 為名的攝影展啊? 怎麼樣? 夠荒吧? 怕看著這篇的你們看得太嚴肅,所以講了個笑話給你們聽啦~ 不過這個嚴肅,是認真的。嗯,灰色並不可怕,可怕的是,如果你明明知道了它的存在還要騙自己不認識它,你才可怕。

21歲那年...差不多是春天末端的時候吧。我記得那時我有了一個在當時來說也挺荒謬的想法。那時我想辦一場術語我自己的小小音樂分享會,還得是靠自己的能力來辦,因為我也不怎麼喜歡別人幫我買夢想,即便是父母。所以啊...我就在3個月的夏天裡用了2個月在中餐廳打工,英鎊真的很好賺。最後一個月我還是回去了,回去執行我的想法。只不過這些前來參與所謂的“音樂分享會”的人,都是我認識的人,然後他們見面時都說同樣一句話...“生日快樂”,然後都被我逼著聽完3 sets 歌,哈哈哈,誰說夢想不能曲折一點? 攝影展,你期待我嗎?

Friday, December 1, 2017

Lalala :D

Bagi you tau, blog yang aku sayangi!
I've dyed my hair to red brown weeeee :D


好好过日子, 亲爱的鬼。

P.S. 看好了, 这是今天早餐 ~ 以后如果忙了或者累了 就还给自己吃这份早餐的心情, 嗯? 加油啦~

Blessed be, Shu.